Sunday, April 29, 2018

English project - EXCHANGE w/ Guillem Estarriola ~ Roser Bramon

Welcome to Banyoles! This is the first part of the project: visiting Banyoles! DAY 1 - TAKE A LOOK!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

How to wash your hair in space?

I'm very surprised because I had never though about it! How the astronauts wash their hair? I had never thiough it could be like in this video: with a water purse. It think it would be more easier if NASA makes a room without gravity for have a shouer because they'll lost less time! But is too a good option and very curious how do they really do it. So, enjoy the video!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Stranger things

In my opinion, Stranger Things is one of the best series that I have ever seen. 
I thing the best season is the first because the second is a little bored. So, I'm going to talk about the first season. I'll try not to do spoiler. xd

This story happens in a small American town of Hawkins and it's from the eighties. The six characters who have made this supernatural series so popular are:

  • Mike
Mike is the leader of the gang. He is the best frend of Will and he fall in love with Eleven.

  • Will
Will is the boy who disappears for inexplicable reasons and by stranger things. The gang want to find him but is so difficult and dangerous. 
  • Eleven
Eleven is the hero of the series. She is a misterious girl that have escapes from the lavoratory where she has lived all her life with her dad. She defends her new friends from the moster (the demogorgon) and she wants to find her mother and her sister. She finally fall in love with Mike.

  • Dustin
Dustin is the loveable joker in the series. He is a little bit silly and so funny. He fall in love with Max but he is in her friend zone. Poor Dustin!

  • Lucas
Lucas is another member of the gang. He hates Eleven but finally they become friends. He is really attracted to the new girl Max too, like Dustin...

  • Max
Max is the new firl at the start of Season 2. Eleven hates her because she thinks that Max is flirting with Mike and is jealous.  In reality, she haves a difficult love triangle forms with Dustin and Lucas!